
Hair of silk, Skin of ivory
Thick rimmed glasses, Hour glass body
Lip pierced, Various tattoos
Angelic voice, Oh girl I want you
You sit next to me and I'm electrified
Head spinning, I let go of my pride
I can't think straight, not like straight will do
But I know I want, I want you
First time we talked it was there
This part of me lit by your fire
You kept on going seeming to be unaware
But that spark in yours eyes made my heart flare
This is the burning I have missed
The instant throb I get from your kiss
Reaching out to touch your skin
Smooth as stone, soft to the touch
I flick my tongue, loving your taste
Hint of strawberries and you've lured me in
I'm intoxicated by your every breath
I want our naked bodies to dance forever
As our legs tangle under your blankets
And the light of day turns to night
In the darkness we speak in hushed whispers
As if each word is sacred
Hands fumble, lips collide
Silent secrets playing in the air
You feeding the flames in my heart
Until together we burst into fire
Eruptions of passion, a fit of lust
Every part of ourselves combining as one
Music blasting from the heat
Moans so loud we're suffocating
This wildfire scorching our inner being
This lightning current taking over me
With your arm so close...
A subtle brush sends me flying
Oh girl, if only you knew what I was thinking