A Day In The Life and The Loved.

He sat there, on the steps, playing 'Hey there, Delilah' by the plain white t's...
I stare at him, hoping his endless spice brown eyes would catch mine.
They don't.
His focus is on his black guitar.
His friends gather around him, temporarily blocking my view.
What i'd give to sit there next to you, to sing my heart out next to you.
Every time in the hallways, without even looking, i spot you in a crowd.
It's not hard, you and your gorgeous self.
I'm drawn to you. I must admit.
It's killing me.
I'd use a class as an excuse to talk to you,
but you share most of those with my best friend.
it's killing me. Oh god, how it's killing me.
I try not to stare, try not to notice.
But, I can't..
for I am forever lost in this endless pool..
of hope.
Hoping that for even less then 10 seconds,
that you'd be staring at me too.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know I sound like a stalker, but this boy....he..he makes my heart jump. Talk about unrequited love, huh?