flying paper

i wrote a poem that was the best poem i have ever written.
of course it gets finished i take it outside to show my friend & a gust of wind picks up it into the air
and chased it for miles yet i never saw my words precious words again.

this is a tribute to such a loss.

Hate is such a strong word
thus why i saie

quite honestly you are all fucked by allfiliatio

i have run through this story over and over
red rover red rover send my enemy over

ill look into it's eyes.
see that it's truth is cleverly disguized as lies.
when something is born, something dies.

i will be born; my enemy will die.
*i will drink the blood of my enemy*
i will ripp of it's own arm and beat it half to death
i will brake it's other arm
shatter it's legs.
one by one i will smash its fingers and toes

i will leave it to ponder "what it has done to deserve this?"
i will give one clue; and put a shackel around it's neck to keep from wabbeling off.

i make leave with these words
*we were born this day to die that day.**think back seven years and remember and ponder, by the time i get back i expect some recollection of why i chose to do what i have,

i walk down the road and find a comfy little village.
i saw this place in a dream, this is where the enemy sleeps.

i will kill it's family , to brake it's heart
& pillage it's village with a knife, a shout & my eyes

i will set fire to the kindle that was placed there long ago
and walk back to the enemy with the flames arising behind me
when i arrive at the my enemies final stand
i will tell the news of the family passing
i will say the ashes on my face are the remains of it's home

i saie, (what hast thou remembered?)

confused and drained it replies.

*has thou seen what becomes of ones who carry out deeds of buisness not of thy own?*

i reply*
* has thou seen what became of your family when i ripped your mothers stomach from her eye sockets? has thou seen what became of your father trying to defend your own mother? of course not! for you are not i. your buisness became my own when betrayal was the only option*

it replies with only eye contact and straight forwardness
*hold the fort, so your telling me you ripped my arm off, beat me with it, brake my legs, fingers and toes, murders my neighbors and family and leaves me shackeled to this dead goat because you felt like betrayal was your only option?!

i saie, * um well yes to put it simple that is correct, but nevertheless this goat your tied to... you sold me this goat seven years ago told me it was pregnant and would bare a baby, i put 21 pieces of silver into the deal to find out, the goat was not baring a child, Vgoldi of Esmore tonight i will take your life for leading me to believe this when truly it was that. Any last words?

it says... you stupid milk drinker... my name is not Vgoldi of the town of Esmore. My name is Usarat Gvaoi of Riogenmaldrex. And i have never sold any goats baring another goats, it seems you have mistaken me. I sell ducks, not goats!

my eyes shrink up and my eye brows arise*.... Uhh well this is kinda awkward... here is your arm back and im sorry about your family, if it helps i killed them quickly and left no time to pain.

Usarat replies, why thank you good sir i needed my fucking arm back you piece of shit? what about my family? what about my fingers? toes? legs? you leave me with one working arm and my neak still tied to this dead goat you thought i sold you long ago!

i reply, well here, i will give you fifty silver in replace for your arm and legs and whatever pain i have caused you.

Usarat replies how about you make it fifty seven silver and no hard feelings?

i saie. deal!

i unshackel the innocent, and wipe the ashes from my face upon his, i pay Usarat his money and make my way down the dirt trail.

seven minutes later i make my way back to my home, and my wife greats me with a kiss on the cheek and tells me of a story of how her sister town was burned and the townsfolk were slaughtered.

i reply, WOW. thats terrible news, lets say a prayer for the dead and bless the food and pour whiskey out for the dead.

her eyes agree with sincerity, and changes the subject by asking what i did today.

i say to her, you woulnd't believe it i was completly buried in paper work, and on my way home i ran into a friend and he sold me a drink for two munnies and i guess i blacked out for a minute or two. and woke up with this feeling of remorse as if something was terribly wrong... now i see that makes sense, your sisters town was destroyed i probably felt the pain from them from all the way where i was.

i saie, darling of mine, mayiest thee sleep with ease having the comprehension all is well and things will be just fine. im feeling a bit dizzy so im going to bed early.

She kisses my other cheek and i walk toward the bedroom and fall asleep.
and when i wake up, im still dreaming
and when i wake up from dreaming, i am still dreaming.
ior maybe dreaming while im awake?
sleeping in my awakeness?
not entirely sure...

i look into my pocket and read a note with my own hand writing*

* dear me, has thee waken from the nightmare that haunts even his friends dreams? have you noticed how what makes sense to you, doesn't make much sense to others? have you read what you wrote? heard what you said? thought before you spoke? walked? talked? have you walked and talked? i see your cause is great yet your effect is miniscule. it's time brother. get your shit together, rise above this stuep you have grown accustom to, and walk to never look back, leave everything on fire if you must, just make sure that you cannot go back to where you were. we cant keep doing this to ourself. this destuctivity must end today. this charade ends when you say it does, not when i say it does, it is up to you, not of i. to make a difference, i am only a narrator, i can lead but i cannot do. only you can do what i cannot. and you can say what i cannot fore you are my eyes my ears of this community, and if you forget those traits how can you lead your armies into battle and acess the situation properly if thou have been running in circles? changes will take place when pawns are moved forward. protect yourself, protect others. many calculations will prove a better outcome. trial and error my friend. im not expecting you to change in one day, this transformation will take time and detication to the art of war.