False Emotion.

You act so strong.
You think you know whats best.
Prove me wrong.
Put your stength to the test.

I want to know what you have to say.
So let me hear it.
You couldn't hurt me anyway.
Is it that hard to get?

You're scared.
Now you're walking away.
I knew you never cared.
I'm not done with what I have to say.

I fooled you.
Now don't you feel dumb.
Don't deny that it's true.
I see your face getting numb.

Your anger entertains me.
Please go on.
You think we were ment to be.
Psh, yawn.

I'm used to the pain.
But this is your first.
I know I'm so vein.
Oh the violent thirst.

You think your words hurt me.
Only physical abuse can hurts a heart like mine.
I'm strong like that, you see?
Unless you hit me, I'll be fine.