I Remember

I remember the way you held me
Gazing in my eyes,
Your voice, so soft in my hair
Telling me how it was all gonna work out.

I remember the way you smiled
So full of charm, so hopeful
Full of dreams for the world, wonder, for life
Always luring me in, effortlessly.

I remember the way you watched me
Listening so intently
Yet showing no interest whatsoever
Except for pulling me unexpectedly, so I would fall into your arms
Knowing I could never stay angry.

I remember how you just 'laughed it off'
Turning my worried frowns into smiles
I remember thinking
'Gosh, he's perfect'

I remember them,
Their know-it-all bitchy faces
How they stuck up their noses,
and laughed until i cried.
I remember calling- but you never came

I remember finding you instead, holding Her
As if she was your world
I remember running, far far away.
Knowing that you couldn't care less.
And wanting to find an end to it all.

I remember the pain, the infinite flow of tears
Dampening every surface.
I remember attempting to calm my own pathetic sobs
With no avail.
I remember wincing at the cuts of the broken pieces
Of my heart......

I remember feeling the warmth and love,
Support, shimmering through my depressing grey walls
I remember telling my friends,
Telling them everything

I remember saying 'no'
And how thrilled I was when I said it
Seeing your pathetic face screwed up in anguish
The symbol of my victory.

I remember... Oh yeah, I remember it all...

I remember thinking,
What a great life it is
Without you to ruin it,
How amazing the small wonders of our world are,
When you're not there to destroy it.

I remember thinking
About my brilliant friends,
and their persuasive ideas

Because I am So worth it.
I know that now,
And nothing, your shit-of-a-mouth says,
Will ever change that.
