I Need Your Love

Just kill me now. :/
I can't take it anymore. :/
It's pointless. :/
I give up. :/
If only you could tell. :/
I'm a liar. :/
I'm the world's best actress. :/
How can I be Okay? :/
I screw everything up. :/
I wish just one person knew what was going through my head right now. :/
No one ever will. :/
They don't take the time to stop and look. :/
I bet you never knew it but. :/
Under my smile I'm calling out for help. :/
I hate how you pretend to care. :/
You say you know me but. :/
You have no clue. :/
Exactly what I'm going through. :/
I need you. :/
I need your help. :/
I need your care. :/
I need your warmth. :/
Most of all I need your love. :/