I Hate My Birthday

I dont want a cake
I dont want the candles
Nothing, absolutely nothing
I hate kindness
It scares me, feeling the way I have
Kindness is so foreign to me, especially from a stranger
Why embrace me like a daughter, I feel nothing towards you
I hate spending the day with you
Its awkward
And dumb
And stupid
I love the days when youre not there
And today, in front of everyone
You pop out a cake
A cake?!
I dont want a cake
I came to work sir
I dont want to be called pet names
I came to work sir
So what if I rejected it?
My choice, humans who birthed me
I hate my birthday
Its too stressful
Watching and waiting to see who'll say happy birthday
Just leave me alone
Let me be anonymous
Its someone elses birthday somewhere, go sing a song to them
Dont make me blow out the candles, those simple flames
I never meant to insult you
Please, enjoy the cake
Im simply not hungry
Just leave me alone
I just hate my birthday
I just really really hate my birthday
Dont penalize me parents, from not having a normal reaction to such an act of kindness
I get paranoid at kindness, even anxious
Maybe you shouldnt have let me be so unhappy
You saw me come crying home
You saw how sad I was
And now youre telling me not to complain
Too bad
Ill speak my mind, I dont care about the consequences
And then theres the friends
Will they remember?
Will they forget?
Will that one person you want to say happy birthday to you, say it to you?
Will you be bombared with another cake?
What about that stupid cat face sweater your parents thought was cute?
Or about the siblings who will never call?
This is why I hate my birthday