World of Night

A pet to the devil.

That was all she had become.

Innocence shattered

Unraveled, broken, undone.

A poisoned apple -

The serpent tempts Eve.

She took a bite,

Sin begins to weave.

Into the heart of a little lamb

The farther he draws her,

The more she realizes -

It's all been a sham.

Deeper and deeper she falls

And he watches with glee.

The eyes of a demon -

That's all she can see.

He marks her for his own -

Her soul sold away.

Heaven’s gates closing -

She will never see day.

Darker and darker -

Her soul is tainted.

Hatred, possession -

That's what he's painted.


There is no longer day.


It's been stolen away.

Biting into her flesh

He consumes -

Every inch of her humanity -

Over her he looms.

Like a shadow

Lying in wait.

A voice like poisoned honey -

That was his bait.

Biting into his sin

She fell from the light.

Only, now, knowing

His world of night.