Double Dash Heart Attack

A boy with a fear of being alone
and a girl with a fear of being in love.
Rants of hope and truth,
speaks of lies and doubt.
I wish I could believe him when he says-
I wish she would believe me when I say-

I love you and I'll always be here.

I don't get it.

How can he have so much faith?
why can't she just trust in me?
I hate it when,
I hate it how
He get's my hopes up on "love",
she tries to PUSH me away.

Just give it up,
I won't give up.
I'll never change,
someday she'll change.
I only want to be alone,
I only want her to love me.

We're too different,
we're so much alike.
Everyone can see it,
but no one can see that.
I will never say the words-
someday I'll tell you the phrase-

Till death do we part.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really am no poet, so laugh if you feel it's needed.