
“Go home and write

A page tonight

And let that page come from you –

Then it will be true.”

Well, here goes nothing.

She is a seventeen year old female

Stuck in a fantasy world

A world of unknown creatures

Both friend and foe

Let’s start out with the obvious

She is, on the outside, your normal teenager

On the inside, a war is being fought

Life and death; love and hate

Which will be the outcome?

Which will prevail?

On the good side of her

Reading, writing and video games

Those three are her life

True friends, family and music

What else could she need?

Oh, just one more thing – her tiny little box

You see, it’s simple

She gives in easily

To her tiny little box

Her tiny little box holds

Her tiny little friend

Her cold, silver, sharp friend

Her friend that’s always there

When she’s in a bad place

Her friend is there to help

Not knowing her friend

Is truly messing with her health

But what can she do,

When her little friend is all she knows?

She has tried to stay away from her friend

She tries very hard

But sometimes it isn’t enough

Reading and writing can

Sometimes keep her friend away

Not always though

Her friend is a strong one

Where is all of the good that she has?

Where is all of her happiness?

She doesn’t know

She doesn’t care at times either

After all of that

Where’s the good in her, again?

She seems to be a good person

She’s always there if anyone needs to talk

She doesn’t judge and doesn’t hate

So why’s she like this?

Well, no one knows

But she tries her hardest to be happy

For those she loves

Heck, even those who she doesn’t

Because guess what?

She is beautiful and deserves to be happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
In my Writing Workshop class we were supposed to write a poem/short story or make a painting, etc. that reflects us and tells the class about us.