The path that blinds him.

The world blinds him.
He knows the truth about himself
and he continues to walk along the dark path
alone with only darkness as his companion.

The light of the stars slowly dim away
moving along silently and slowly he becomes blind
soon he will not be able to see a thing
as darkness slowly shows him the way.

People call after him
they plead and shout
they too are blinded from the truth
calling to this horrific figure in the night.

They shout that they care
they shout that he is meant to be
they tell him lies that he can fit in
they tell him the biggest lie of all, he should survive.

He slowly walks along hearing there call
but darkness slowly whispers in his ear
"just keep walking away I do not see them here."
as he slowly walks along this darkened road.

The darkness has turned his mind against him
telling him how futile he is
how worthless he is
how death wants to hold him tight.

So I continue to walk along this path
where darkness treads beside my hollow shell
letting me know that I'm worthless and nothing
that death is the only way to go.

La morte e la strada da percorrer