One Second

Hairy and rampant
Strength within your pointed claws
You frighten me, dear Beast
Your rippling angry voice pierces whatever stance I held
I begin to meld, into a soft jello at your feet
Please, dear sir, please do not eat me
I am nothing but scared
Scared of everything about you
Of your rage, your inhumane yells
Its like running through a battle field
Tripping over bodies
Stumbling on a rolling head
Its all I can bear but to not break down and cry
I dont understand, dear Beast
Why have you choosen to harm me?
I did nothing wrong
I wanted to save whatever life I had left
Let me stay in my room, lock me away
I need no comfort from you
Go tramp through the forest and cut down your trees
The gargoyles
They will scorn you none
They will laugh and play with you
With hard marble balls
They simply grimace with pain
How perfect for you
All I need is to run
To flee this dreaded place
I wish not to stay anymore
In your palace
This steely place I once saw as magnificent
Just stop feeding me
Ill be alright
Racing, I scatter from your castle
You chase me
I can hear you
Youve hit me, dear Beast
It hurts so much
The blood
Like flower petals, blooming over my clothes
I choke and scream
And try to reach for you
Save me Beast, please
I grab for your fur, but you move away
Wait!, I call
Im dying!
But you just keep walking
I plead with him, I promise that Ill never leave him
Please, I say
Please save me, I love you dear Beast
He falters one second
And gazes back at me
With blue eyes, that almost seem human enough to suck me in
He starts pounding toward me
But I already feel its too late
I see nothing but light
Glorious, angelic white light
And the last thing I hear is his pained, passionate yowl at the world
Now, may I ask dear Beast
Why did you wait that one second?