Sometimes I cry

Sometimes I just cry
I sit alone on the bathroom floor and cry
No real reason to honest
It just seems right
I don't know if it's suppressed feelings
Or if it might be a real problem
I don't know if it's because I've done something wrong
It might be because they ignore me
But that's always been the case
all of a sudden I cry again
I can't decode why really
They don't really care I have to say
So sometimes the bus rides home
All wet cold and alone
Are the best times of my day
when I'm acknowledged and questioned
If I've been crying
"Young girl are you alright?"
The old lady would say
Of course it never happens that way
Not noticed there either, but it's okay
They still notice more than the people in the other room
They sympathize when sympathy didn't needed
On a cold afternoon
For the young girl who cries alone
Because of serious distress
From the family that's caused it