
I never knew it'd hurt so bad
To see you go away;
It never has before.

But now that you've been gone a while
And I've spent the whole time sulking
I really don't miss you so much anymore.

So maybe the more time you spend away
Is better for me.
Because even though I miss my good friend
I'm slowly getting over my stronger feelings for you.

I know when you come back
It'll all come rushing back.
But for now I don't miss you so much anymore
And you've stopped appearing in my dreams
And the only thing I miss is your friendship.
I can't even picture your blue eyes anymore
And I don't feel anything more for you than friendliness.

I can't wait for you to come back
But I don't want you to come back.
Because I hated those feelings for you
And I need more time to sort this out.
And the more time you're away
I can get over you just like now.