This is for the "i'm fine" Girls

This is for the "i'm fine" girls
Girls who on the outside are visiblyglowing and ecstatic
Girls who on the outside make firends as easy as breathing
Girls who ace all of their classes and are trusted by teachers
Girls who on the inside have a broken and bleeding heart from cracking under preassure
Girls who on the inside are screaming bloody murder for all the pain to stop
Girls who can't remember the last time they were actually smiling with friends and not acting

This is for the "i'm fine" girls
Girls who reive insult after insult like a volley of flaming arrows
Girls who have their armor hit time and time again, that it has glaring holes
Girls who get verbally tortured from peers , and parents like stinging whips
Girls who have to repeat, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." But never believe it.
Girls who when asked whats wrong , smile and say, "Nothing." But turn around and whisper, "Everything."

This is for the "i'm fine" girls
Girls who listen to sad music alone in their corner
Girls who are shunned like a mutant from a sci-fi film
Girls who are ran from as though they carry the black plague
Girls who long to be in popular cliques
Girls who envey couples at the mall
Girls who are loners

The average person tells 4 lies a day
1460 lies in a year
About 112420 lies in a lifetime
The most comon lie is... "I'm fine"