You and Little Lies

I'm sorry to you.
You seem to hate me.
Your dirty looks,
Your non-spoken words hurt.
I don't let them get me down now,
But you don't know what I've gone through.
You don't even know me.
You don't know my depression,
The abuse,
The bullying.
Everything that I've gone through has made me into who I am.
Unlike you.
You say you've been to a hospital,
You say your depressed,
You say you cut.
You don't know what any of that is.
Depression is waking up every day thinking 'Whats the point?',
Going to a hospital is when you not safe to anyone anymore,
Cutting is when you take a dull, rusty knife, you dig it so far into your skin,
That you can't even see straight,
And when you see the blood pouring out,
You smile because its the only release you know.
You can get all the pity,
All the sympathy,
The love,
The fake friends that you want,
You can even take my life away from me,
I won't care.
I know why.
You know why too.
It's because you lie.
You've lied to me,
To your boyfriends,
To your friends,
Even your parents.
Whats that going to do?
It's going to run everyone away.
It's going to make you lonely,
But you don't know that either.
You don't knew what it's like to feel like the lowest piece of dirt there is,
Sure you've been bullied too,
But you don't know what it's like to have no one to talk to,
No one to smile at,
No one at all.
Six years old…
I've lived like that.
I've gone through very tough abuse,
Tough love.
Oh sure,
You can say you've been through that too.
Its lies...