My Wish for Death (An Earlier Hell)

When it rains,
I go out into the middle of the road and sit in it.
Hope for an idiot to speed and hit me,
Hope for death.
In this world,
We all get tired of all this bullshit.
I listen to your problems,
Hun I have problems too.
I help you with yours,
But you don't help me with mine.
Is it because you never listen?
Is it because you're a total bitch?
What the fuck did I ever do to be ignored?
To be neglected?
Especially by the ONE person I've always helped with a crisis for?
Am I invisible except when you need someone to vent with?
When you I help you with a problem of yours?
And now here I am,
Venting about life to a website for writers,
Wanting death,
Wanting to be acknowledged,
For once in my life,
To be not invisible.
But you know,
It's how it always is,
And always will be,
"Emos","geeks","nerds",and "nonpopulars" ignored.
So yeah,
Fuck it,
I wanted to commit suicide,
But I can't seem do it,
So instead,
I sit in the middle of the road,
Wishing and hoping,
For a speeding car to come and hit me,
To come and kill me,
But it seems as if no one is out today....
I guess I'm stuck living here in an earlier Hell.