Two Blinks in Eternity

As I lay
Close to you on a sandy plain
My eyes flutter open
Your breaths are still light
And the waves crash upon the shore

Almost as if in a sad dream
I see you sleep
But I always fail to understand those tears
Somehow they always run down your face
I try to kiss them away

But to my touch you awaken
The moonlight transluscent on your face
'It's alright'
I hear you say
And ocean winds carry the clouds away

A quarter to one and I'm asleep
And you watch as I lay
You always fail to understand my smile
Which always rests softly on my face
You touch my lips

But to your touch I awaken
The moonlight is still transluscent on your face
'Go to sleep'
I hear you say
And ocean winds carry the clouds away

So we lay in silent calm
In the warm sand and gentle breeze
I know when I wake we will part
But I don't want to stay asleep
With you this close to me

It's a quarter to four and you're asleep
My eyes are closed but I've been awake
Listening to the gentle rythm of your heart
It beats steady to the pulse of the ocean
I open my eyes

I see you your deep, chocolate eyes
'Did I wake you?'
'I was never asleep'
You smile gently and kiss my lips
And ocean winds carry the clouds away

Two people alone on a beach
As different as two blinks in eternity
Yet somehow they'll stay there
And hold a precious promise to the other:
'I love you'
'I love you too'
♠ ♠ ♠
This was inspired by couples who seem perfect from afar, but are actually two different individuals who happened to meet on the same plane. It's amazing how people can still fall in love dispite their differences, and I wanted to capture that 'miracle' within a poem.