Love Hurts

i hate that i fell in love with you
i hate how your always the one to see me at my worst
i hate that i can be myself with you
i hate how you know me better than i know my self
i hate that i love you but you don't love me back
it sucks it really does
i never tell you this cause i might cry
but i've loved you since we first met
she's lucky to have you
i'll never let you forget it
i'm happy for you even when my heart breaks
i'm happy for you even if i'm wishing its me and not her
i wish i could tell you but you might laugh
you'll think its a joke and i'll have to play along
i don't want to lose you
suck it up and put on a smile just for you
damn i wish you knew how much it hurts
love suck, love hurt, love is a lie

i hate how i fell in love with my best friend who will never know
just how much it kills me to see him kiss and love her
♠ ♠ ♠
damn i never wanted this it just happened... it sucks for all those people who feel like this you are not alone