One Day It Will End

Why does everything have to be so complicated?
Wishing my love to you,
While you wish your love to my best friend.
I evny her,
How you lover her so,
It makes me hurt.
It makes me cry,
It makes me scream at you deep inside.
I wish this was different,
But lifes a bitch and never happens in my favor.
You hate your life,
You live your life around her,
So your bitchy life is beautiful.
My heart races around you,
Your heart races around her,
I guess I have to change my feelings.
It hurts to know this is the way it is,
You'll regret leaving me in the dark,
I love you,
But one day that will end.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uhm, yeah? Is it totally horrible like I think it is?