Why Must You Hurt Me So?

You, yes you.
You know who you are.
Everyday i see your face,
You say you like me,
Yet you smile to her,
And completely ignore me.
Who am I to you?
Am I just a rusty back-up?
Am I the one you really love?
I know, we did not have a great past,
But I love you, and if you don't feel the same,
Please, don't waste my time with your little game.
You love me and my enemy,
or so you say,
Tell me the truth,
so the pain can go away quick.
Choose between us,
You know she doesn't feel the same.
Are you going to be that cruel to ignore what I feel for you?
Is it your goal to hurt me so?
For if it is, you have accomplished it.
I can't sleep at night,
And if I do, I get endless dreams of you.
I say I'll be okay,
But I honestly won't.
I say I will so you don't think I'm weak,
What is it about me that you do not like?
Am I too loud? Too hyper?
That I can change..
What is it that you see in her that you can not see in me?
Please, don't lie to me.
It'll only hurt more when the truth comes out.
I love you..~ <3