My Dark Days

I'm just tired of running around the fact
that I'm in my dark days.
That I'd rather have them get darker than lighter,
and that I can't see any light pouring in for a while.

I've become a shut in
Because I'm self destructive like that.
I do drugs by myself.
Because I like being alone now.

My collection of scars is the sickest thing I've done,
but I can justify them all.
I wanted to show just how much I've been through
Without being confronted about it.

Some of my (former) friends are
surprised I'm still around.
And it makes me sick to hear them
talk about how I changed too much.
And how they miss me.

I like what path I'm going down.
I like the drugs I've done.
I like the places I've been.
I like the monster I'm becoming now.

And to use an ever so true cliche,
"They all said it was a cry for help.
But I disagree; I never made a sound."

Maybe because I want darker days to come.
More track marks to turn to scars,
and new characters to call my friends.
Or even the high class title of a junkie.