Nightmares, Facades, Stereotypes.

My poking past and piering present,
Take over when I try to sleep.
They put on their pajamas climb into my bed
And haunt me In all my dreams.

Dreams? No.
Nightmares? Yes.
Scary, sinister, surreal.
You tell me to think happy thoughts,
Dont tell me how to feel.

Next time you must go four days,
Hour after hour,
No energy, no power
Because of these stupid terrors.
Shoot me a text or give me a call
Then you can give me advice,
No objections from me at all.

You think you know whats best,
What will fix all my problems.
But do you really even know me?
No, you know what I seem to be.
You know the face I put on everyday,
So people will atleast a little bit like me,
More like so people can barely try to stand me.

You say that you like me,
And that I don't annoy you,
But please just stop lying to me.
It just hurts me even more.
I see through your facades,
You fake and lying whores.

I wish ya'll could take a walk in my shoes,
Feel the pain of a thousand scowls.
How everything I do you say,
"That's a foul, your out".

You'd hide in the shadows
in fear of the light,
Cuz every time you try to leave
Your told, "This isn't where you belong, go back to you place, please"

You'd feel the burning stares
Everytime you show your arms
Because they think you'd a freak, crazy, psychotic, absurd.
They don't understand that you just want sincerity, to be loved, to be heard.
Don't kid yourself madeline,
They do understand.
But they choose not to accept it,
Cuz they one care about what happens in their land:
What will they think if I don't stereotype, not care about her, and push her around?

So please my dear friends,
I beg of you.
Be straight up and tell it like it is.
If you like me then great.
If you hate me then hate.
Anything is better than you lying to my face.