Hate This Love

Its hard, because you know and i know
Its wrong, because its not right
i loved you and still do
its never gonna be yet i wish it could
i want it to end but i couldnt stand it if it did
I feel so much, even though i know you dont
You wonder why i could love you
But to me it would be so hard not to
I dont know what to do
But you seem to have everything under control
You make me love life
even when i wish i didnt
The sound of your voice ive never heard
yet its amazing
the way you feel yet weve never touched
makes my heart skip a beat
makes the world seem right
makes me feel safe and protected
loved and cherished
But in the end, I know it will never be,
which hurts me the most,
wishing to hug you,
wishing to share precious moments with you
but knowing its a wish upon a star that will never come true
waiting for you to love me, even when i know you wont