
Painfully wretched, I gaze upon the morning with such certainty as I can bestow fully aware of the many things in life that I have not yet completed. My purpose is not something that you, yourself, could possibly rely on, but of something far more greater than anything you could bring yourself to.
I hear their mutters, see their gestures, yet I do no participate with their hated for me. Rather, I open up all doors that lead to their hearts, and I discover that it is not me who brings these thoughts into mind, but their own wicked souls that bring the pain. and torment.
I, myself, wish not to think of things as what they could be, but as what they are. Yet, at the same time, I do not believe that reality is a possibility, for wouldn't that be fantasy?
Then again, most of our minds are made form fantasy, wishing for something so longingly and helplessly that we cannot understand what is real and what isn't.
The temptations that I encounter along my road to salvation seem to be mocking me, with their demonic stares and smirks, and with their looks of pure, satanic pleasure. I see the sin and lust, and the blackness that comes from within it, yet I do nothing but cry and sob, because I know that these creatures from the fiery pits of Hell will never truly leave me.