10 minute play

Setting: cloudy day outside Happy Friends Fun House for the mentally ill and retarded. The scene is a old bus stop with a bench and a sign that says "Abandoned", but all the patience are told the sign says "where ever your dreams take you"

Enter Right: Spiffy O’Malley, walk 5 paces to a bench, and sits down. Wait 5 beats, then Leena enter from right and sit down 2 feet away from him on the bench. Pause 2 beats.

Leena: Hello, my name is Leena, would you like your fortune told?

Spiffy is taken back for a beat, then hastily answers: Yes please!

Leena takes out a few gummy bears and worms, and lays them out on the bench so that there is a worm between each bear, except for one instance where two bears are next to each other. Upon realizing it, she puts her hands over her mouth and shakes her head, after a beat of that, she calms herself.

Leena: This is a bad omen. These gummy bears are cannibals, and will soon eat each other if left alone. A bad omen indeed.

Spiffy: Well what does it mean?

Spiffy is entranced by her, and does not look away.

Leena: It means if you stay on your current course of life, you will soon be eaten by gummy bears. Isn’t it a horrible fate?

Spiffy nods: Yes, yes, I can see why it would be bad. But I understand it. All my life I have been treated as an outcast, ever since my glory days of being (strikes pose) “Spiffy, the Disco King!!

Leena looked over him, his attire consisting of a purple velvet suit, top hat, three gold plastic large necklaces, as pair of Mickey Mouse boxers, and some wooden clogs.

Leena: That’s very impressive. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to support myself on just my readings alone, as fate seems to dislike me allowing others to cheat at life and see the answers before the test, so to speak. So I was a cashier in my glory days. But I was kicked out of there for allowing fate to direct my change giving to benefit those of good morals and who seem to lead a good life, rather than the stingy mean bastards.

Leena shifted in her see through nightgown, large black vest underneath it, one high heel and one sandal, and gym shorts. Spiffy notices the red dot above her right eyebrow.

Spiffy: Excuse me, but you have something on your forehead. Want me to rub it off for you?

Spiffy reach’s for her head, but she screeches and bats away his hand.

Leena: No! That is my third eye! It allows me my great gift of sight!

Spiffy: But why is it on one side?

Leena:…Well…the seer who trained me had a lazy eye, and misjudged the place of where it should go.

Spiffy: So you have a lazy third eye?

Leena: Yes

Spiffy: Ah.

Pause for three beats.

Spiffy: Have you ever done any readings for anyone famous?

Leena: Why as a matter of fact, yes! Bill Gates, George Bush, our current pope, all those people who have such little faith in their own religion or abilities that need confirmation from a real reliable source for what their future holds. Funny though, my third eye has usually foreseen something wrong. Every one of them achieved their goals in life, yet I had told them they were all going to end up as bums on the street. Guess you can’t win em all.

Spiffy: Guess you can’t.

Pause for 5 beats

Spiffy: Say, How about I teach you how to dance in return for telling my fortune? It's the least I can do!

Leena: I don't know, I've got two left feet.

Spiffy: Ah c'mon, you'll never know until you try!

Leena: No, I seriously have two left feet

Leena points and both shoes are right foot shoes.

Spiffy: Ah no problem!

Spiffy takes off his clog and replaces her high heel with it. Coincedently, he had two left feet.

Leena: Thank you, but do you know anythin besides disco?

Spiffy: Ofcorse! I know all types of dancing! Here, let me show you this...

Spiffy takes her hand in one hand, and puts his arm around her waist, and begins to waltz slowly around the bench. She follows pretty well, and does not make them fall once, but is still a bit jerky and slow. After 30-45ish seconds of this, she breaks away and bows.

Leena: Whew, thank you! That was alot of fun!

Spiffy: Your amazing! Your a natural! Even I was not that good when I started!

They both sit down for a breather. Pause for 7 beats.

Spiffy: Thank you for sitting here with me. I haven’t had anyone’s company in almost 10 years. People just think I’m too strange.

He looks to her with extreme sentimental happiness in his slightly tear-moistened eyes.

She looks back.

Leena: You're welcome. I too have not had a conversation with someone in so long.

She looks up at the clouds.

Leena: Look how somber the clouds look today.

Spiffy moves a foot closer to her.

Spiffy: They look like their burden is too much, and they are about to break down again.

Leena: I like them; they kind of show our life one a certain level. Poor clouds though, they have no one to share their burden with.

Spiffy: I…have no one too share mine with. I know we’ve only known each other for these few minutes, but I feel as if I’ve known you my whole life. Would you…allow me to share your burden?

Leena turns, and a tear falls from her left cheek (or which ever is visible to the audience)

Leena: Certainly, if you would share mine.

They scoot next to each other, and Leena lays her head on his shoulder. Lights dim to off.

Spiffy: I hope this bus never comes...
♠ ♠ ♠
Couldn't figure out where to post a 10 minute play. So poems it is.