Big Brother

I watch her,
My little sister,
She cried for me,
She screamed for me,
On the day I died,
I go to her,
My hand goes through her,
I want desperately to touch her,
To comfort her,
But my hand goes through,
She shudders,
Tears in her eyes,
It has been years,
Since I died,
Since I watched her,
But her pain called me,
It brought me here,
To her new home,
Where she lays,
Curled up on the floor,
Of this new kitchen,
Our father,
He stands over her,
The knife drawer cracked,
No knife taken from its confines,
He yells at her,
He scowls her,
He is drunk,
What right does he have,
To yell at my sister?
She screams in pain,
She holds her wrist,
She argues with him,
She still lies,
Weeping on the ground,
He tries to pull her into a seat,
She snaps at him,
She pulls herself up,
He berates her,
She's is falling,
She is losing her will,
Her will to live,
She takes her broken body,
Up the stairs,
To her room,
She can't sleep,
She cries,
Her wrist,
No visible wounds,
Screams at her,
I climb on the bed,
Settling down behind her,
My arms wrap around her smaller body,
She stops shaking,
She falls asleep,
Tucked safely,
In my dead arms,
"Rest Baby Sister,"
I breathe,
Watching her face,
Stained with tears,
I'll protect you,
I am, after all,
Your Big Brother."