Mother Dear..

Mother dear, please
don't do it. I'll take therapy,
but I won't get through
it. Put the needle down
It's gonna be okay.

I can't bare to see you
die another day.

Mother dear, please
don't hit me, It's not
my fault these clothes
don't fit me. I'll lose
some weight if you like,
Just please, oh please,
don't hit me tonight.

Lower your
hand, it will be okay. I
just can't stand to see
me die today.

Father dear, please
don't shoot. Mother
dear is telling the truth.
I see the sweat, and that
you're shaking I promise
you that she's not faking.

Father dear it will be all
right. But I can't stand to
see Mother die tonight.

Now I'm skinny and weak
as can be, I haven't eaten a
thing since you told me. I
feel dead, and empty, and
all alone, I feel even like a stranger
in my own home.

I beg you to give me a scrap
of food, but you scream
bad words at me, and call me
a brood.

Mother dear, I don't mean
to cry, I just don't want to die tonight.

I ran to my room, and left in
a huff, but I can't help it, I had to leave,
I must. I stepped on my tippie-toes,
to reach way up high, hidden on my shelf,
it caught my eye. I found it in your room,
when your arms were streaked red,
I just ignored it, and pushed it out of
my head.

Mother dear, please come quick,
Save me from death, cause it can take
me in a click. But if you are late,
I will surely die, and I couldn't
stand not to see you cry.

But alas, Dear Mother, You are too late,
I am now clutched by the arms of fate.
Pools of blood now do surround me,
I wish I could swim out of that dreadful
red sea.

Mother dear, please don't worry.
I am dead, so no need for hurry.

I hope one day we meet again
On fluffy white clouds next to him.
God is waiting for me to arrive, but
not that important for you to take
your life.

So, Mother dear, and Father dear,
Hear these words loud and clear.
Everyone will make mistakes, but
be sure you make the ones you
can erase.

Cause if you don't, you
will join me, eternally drowning in the
red sea. Goodbye.