
its an action at choice
and an action to yourself,
it doesn't just damage your soul
its damages your health,
you think its ends your pain
cause you feel as if no one cares,
but honestly there's are world that loves you
and seeing you hurt is hard to bare,
it simply starts with just a little slit
a little slit upon your wrist,
but then the blood excites your body
and makes its own twist,
for it addicts you to cutting like a drug
and makes you feel alive,
but on the outside its so much more
your slowly taking a deathly dive,
then next thing you know
your reaching for the pills,
thinking it will tone the pain down
but its your emotions that are to kill,
next thing you know
its that gun your out to reach,
but everyone around you
don't do it they preach,
but because your pain is so loud
you can hardly hear a thing,
when the trigger gets pulled goes off
its the angels that will sing,
for that amazing teen
who look their life,
and all this started
with just a knife,
they heard no words
and saw no love,
but honestly there was someone
who held them above,
they loved them for them
and there past didn't matter,
but when they pulled the trigger
the lovers heart shattered,
for they felt it was their fault
and they were all to blame,
now their life is to hell
and their loves put to shame,
so then the vicious circle
starts up once more,
suicides like hell
its a bottomless hole,
its begs to see death
and begs to see pain,
but we must say no more
get rid of blood stains,
the agony, the lies,
its over it threw,
for I'm starting over
I'm better, I'm new,
so suicide your done
and no more apart of me,
cause I'm done living for the world
living for me I will be,
so goodbye I say
adios suicide,
for all the pain that started you
is gone its died <3