Chapter 2: Street Fights and Lost Lights

It's August 20th,
just a few short months from that night.
He's distraught as ever,
... and as blind as before.
A street fighter,a champion amongst outcasts,
he could not foresee,
the 2 greatest losses of his life.

his world and his heart.
The one who brought him here,
to this fighting league.
Gripping his shoulder in fear,
she whispers,"Please,don't fight this time.Not him."
But without a thought,
he raises his fist and the fighters begin to cheer.

The Sanctoran referee begins,
"Trinute, norosa con dezta!
Elve doro, senpiri choranian.....VELICE!!"
Celesta watches Velice step forward,
and raise his chain belt.
He cannot win,
she knows this.

"Bei soronka" the ref continues.
"Elve fontezki,nolla worenta,copi nei....DOMARE!"
A brute of a kid pounds his chest.
6'7", slim, and muscular,
he pulls off his hood,
revealing his jet black hair.

And the fight begins.
Domare is ruthless,
and slams both fists into Velice's chest.
Shocked by his speed,
he tries to read him,
and blocks at his best.

The fight lasts an hour,
an hour of blood and sweat.
Velice's eye is swollen and bleeding,
while Domare cracks his neck, barely phased.
What happened next was a flash,yet a moment so slow.
He felt cold steel pierce his side,
and the only sound was Celesta screaming and pleading.

Domare throws him down,
the knife still in his side.
Celesta runs to him,
"I asked you not to fight him! Why did you ignore me?!"
He coughs up some blood,
and with his consciousness fading,
he mumbles,"If you loved me,you would believe in me...Emily."
and with those words,he blacked out.

She woke him after 3 hours.
His side burned with pain,
but his eyes were clear again.
She slams her hand against his cheek
then wraps her arms around his neck.
"I love you" she mutters softly,
"which is why i don't wanna lose you,like I almost did back then."

He shook her off,
angered by her words and defeat.
"You didn't trust me?" he growled,
"You couldn't believe in me?
You're the one who got me started,
the very reason I fight.
Yet it's only your doubt I sense in the crowd!"

He's up and staggering,
but his face is red and his muscles are tense.
He's had enough.
"Just one fucking time I wish you'd trust me!"
He storms out,
leaving Celesta in tears.
She wants to call his name,
but it's too tough.

For two days,
he was silent and alone.
He refused to be bothered,
even at home.

On the 2nd night,
he called her.
She was in New York,
so it was his only way.
It rang once,
then an answer.
"She's not here,Tim."
"Where is she? I have something I need to say."

It's all he heard.
Til' a muffled voice,
almost crying,replied,
"She's gone...
she was shot earlier today.
We took her to the hospital,
but she was only there a couple hours before she died."

He threw the phone in rage.
Grabbing his coat and knife,
he fled to his hideout,
and bled more than ever before in his life.