Dear you.

Dear you,
You're always on my mind.
I can't stop thinking about you.
I can't get you off my mind.
Maybe I'm just love struck.
You pierced me with your cupids arrow.
You're feeding my sorrow.
Oh boy, my heart wants you to love me the way I love you.
Can't you see darling, I don't want any body but you.
You're like a ghost, you haunt me where ever I go.
You follow my tracts, always keeping up.
When I try to follow you, you're no where to be found.
You vanish into thin air.

Please don't give up on me,
My lovers soul will get lost in those eyes that shine so bright.
I'll drown in the lake of lost lovers cries.
Fill me with your o'holy lies.
Let me bleed the color of a rose and give it to you to take.
I'd give you my heart, but it's in need of repair.
Oh why can't you see how I love thee.
Lay me down to sleep, and awake me with your soft kiss.
With your touch, I will breathe again.
Fall, let me fall and I'll come crawling back on hands and knees.
My heart is like an anchor, oh so heavy and weighted down.
You love a woman, who lives a life not fit for you.
Better, better than her is me.
Oh why can't you open your eyes to my lovers cries.
Without you, my loving heart will die.