I confess.

Oh I love you, words can't express exactly how I feel inside.
Hearing you're in love with someone..
Heart breaking words those were.
I'm here, arms wide open.
You don't pay attention to how much I love you.
You're running away, leaving me to deal with myself.
You said you'd always be there.
Those are now lies, you're turning your back on me.
I'm in love with you, my best friend.
You can't tell me that I am not in love, I know how I feel.
You're the only person I've got and you're leaving me.
It wouldn't change anything if you knew, would it?
I'd fly around the world in back just to know that you love me too.

Oh darling please, don't do this.
You're hurting me and yourself.
You're killing me.
I'd beg you to stay, but you won't.
You're sick, sick of him.
Sick of mr.spermy. Sick of the man called dad.
He's hurt you hasn't he?
Oh please babe, don't leave me.
I'll make the pain go away, I promise.
Stay with me, I'd give you only the best.

I know I'm the best for you,
I know I'd treat you better than any one else.
I'd fight away all your fears for you.
I'll crawl threw a field of mud and worms for you.
I'm terrified of bugs, but for you I'd give up anything for you.
I'll die without you.
Telling you how I feel is so over due.
Please don't go, I swear I'd never be able to say goodbye.
Time goes by, but you'd be a liar.
Everything would be a lie.
All those promises you made,
Shattered, shattered like my heart waiting on a platter.

Please don't go, I need you.
I need you more than I need clothes.
Without you, all sanity is lost within me.
Oh babe, please don't leave.
Do I have do spell it out in l e t t e r s for you?
Spaces.. spaces left between plain letters to understand.

I would have killed myself if I hadn't found you.
Oh so attached is me.
Your.. problems& mine, I don't care anymore.
They're part of you and me, there is nothing I can do.
Come back to me, please do stay.
I'll treat you the right way.
You have no idea how much you mean to me.

I wish.. no I hope you read this.
Savvy, you stole my heart.
Please don't leave me here without you.
I feel so empty, you complete me.
You're like the piece to my puzzle.
Without you I'm; incomplete, worthless and not truly myself.

I know you don't feel the same way,
But I can't just sit here day after day.
Deny my love, I cannot.
Oh sensitive hearts can't keep this inside for so long.
I love you more than him.
Him, H-I-M, him.
More than that sorely heart piercing boy named Cameron.

True love I thought was there, but he ended up leaving me bare.
Oh boy, can't you see the love I feel for thee?
My love, is oh so unconditional.
You're off in hallucination world, while I'm here trying to keep you near.
I'm afraid of another fight, sending you away, leaving me forever.
What does it matter now?
You're leaving any ways.
I need you here.

You might as well draw dotted lines on my arms.
Crying, all my eyes will do.
My heart will ache so sorely from your last "I love you"
Oh only if you sincerely meant it.
One heart could beat as two.

You said you'd be there for me, you might not be any where near.
Oh so far away, with nothing to say.
No contact, you will forget me.
In time I won't even me a memory.
All those 'pills' into your body.
All those pills into my body, draining my life.
Leaving my body with no soul, no life.
My last words will, "I love you"

Don't be surprised when I'm gone.
Without you I'm good as dead.
I won't be a book to be read.
Please get this through your head.
I rather not end up dead.
Oh please, just don't leave.
If you do, I'll need some meds
So I can be dead.