On Your Arms (Scars)

Pale arms of the quiet covered in sad stories
Stories of lost loves and taking of innocents cures
Cures of booze and pills to blood shed
Torment of the peers carved into your skin with razor blades
Pain not being a factor
Your not that emo dark kid they say you are
Your a beautiful person with a heart of gold and a soul of roses
Sight of your blood isn't going to help you
Put down the blade
Open the beautiful heart you have
When yo look into the eyes of the boy you love you know life doesn't suck the hairy balls you thought it did
The love they'll put on her arms
Making a movement in the easiest way
But now she'll forever carry those scars from her youth
If only she of the life that would heal in time
She takes that unattended last breath
Her blood drips off the blade as she lays on the bathroom floor
Someone could have saved this soul
Love is our movement lets use it we're standing by
Save the ones that need it
Love is our movement
Now let's save the lives of the hidden tears
Fake smiles that told us everything was okay when they were at their worst
How did we not see the scars and tears
The blood on the floor
Dreams down the drain memories lost in in booze
Every last drop lost in what could have been a fairy tale
A prince that could have saved you from your dragon and rescued you from the tower a d kisses out of your nightmares
The long nights in your bedroom crying don't change a thing
Your not going to care about that fight with mom and dad when your 40
Don't carry another unhappy memory on those beautiful pale white arms
Stand up and take another chance at life life before your short time on earth is gone and wasted
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This was inspired by TWOLHA and Hawthorne Heights song Between the Trees