
Darkness swallows me whole
I can’t see-
I’m blind.
I struggle to break free
Of this darkness.
I can’t move-
I’m trapped.
I can’t tell if my eyes are open
Or if they are closed.
It’s all the same-

A scream erupts in my head,
It’s terrified and helpless.
I turn in circles,
Searching for the cry
Yet nothing is in sight.

I’m still running,
The cold ground underfoot.
I don’t know where I’m going,
But I know
I won’t be able to find my way back.

More screams sound;
They all sound the same.
Their moans are haunting and eerie.

They are getting closer,
They’re everywhere.
Tearing through the dense atmosphere
That is clouding my vision.

My heart beat is quickening.
But then
A single light comes into view
And then I realize
Everything is only in my imagination.
♠ ♠ ♠
this was for a school imagery project trying to describe night time...hope you like it!