Dying Violin

Im jogging through the halls,
Trying to keep up
Trying not to lose my breath, trying to keep a steady pace.
The pace that will keep me on track,
To get me where Im going.
I start to panic, because there was a person in front of me a minute ago
Sprinting away, like I was a chemical waiting to burn them
But I knew, even though they were sprinting,
That I would still catch up with a jog.
I looked around, but there was nothing.

Until I reach the next corner, and you appeared right in front of me,
Jogging, like you didnt realize I was still a chemical
And then you sped up again,
Sprinting and flying through the air, like you had wings

I picked up speed, and started sprinting too
I flung myself into the run.
I wouldnt stop until I reached you.
You started pushing trash cans in front of me,
Filled with smells so strong that I felt my eyes tearing.
But I hurdled over them, and kept moving.
Everything came flying out of the rooms as I passed,
Like you were a magnet and they were trying hard to catch you,
Just as I was.
Objects of every sort hit me
Pencils, and notebooks
Erasers and binders
And then came the text books,
And the chairs,
And the desks,
Until eventually, the whole building was trying to follow you.

I got so broken by the things that flew around,
That I was bleeding too much for any salvation.
I couldnt feel my sides, because small tools and pieces of window were sticking out of me.
But I had to keep going.
I needed to see the front of your face

At last, I couldnt see you anymore
But I did see one thing.
A door.
A small, paint torn door
Only big enough to dive into.
I ran to the door, but it wouldnt budge.
No!, I screamed

I found a strength inside I didnt know could exist.
I kicked down the door,
And stepped inside.
You were just standing there,
Facing the wall.
You had a violin between your chin and a place on your shoulder.
The music was like Sirens calling, and I stopped.
I dropped to the ground, all my blood pooling around me
And just listening as you worked your magic.
Hypnotized at the sound that only a creature could make.
You turned around,
And looked at me
For more years then existence, when even space was no longer there
Until it was only you and me
Until you turned around and played your violin again.
Until I happily layed down,
And died watching you.