Okay, this one is really weird!

There once was a boy
Who lived in a tree
He liked to eat sticks
And he liked to sing

Then some birds died
Because they got swine flu
So the boy moved to Serindipidaloo

Being the awesomest place in the world,
There Bosco met the awesomest girl.
They sat together in serendipity class,
Then Bosco went home and ate sassafras.

He then moved to canada
And married a square.
He learned how to dance
And shaved all his hair.

They rented a house and learned basket weaving
They answered every problem with "don't stop believing"

But then some weird guys from underground France,
Came to Canada and stole everyone's pants
Bosco and his poor pant-less self,
Wanted to fight backs with guns mad of felt.

The Frenchmen were frolicking all through the town.
So bosco dug a hole that went very far down.

They needed a name for their town in the dirt.
They decided to call it the city of Serbe.

So they had a felt war and the Serbians won.
They win their pants back an ate hot dog buns.
So whenever you get a special leaf you don't deserve,
Remember the serindipidous history of Serbe.

(all rights for this poem go to my diseased childhood imagination)
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