I Was Human.

Shattered glass
A symbol of a broken past
Coming through this long run race last
I couldn't help myself .....

Evil noises coming in from the back
I hear their voices trembling in dirt covered shovel and sack!
The ground above!
I kick it once
I kick it twice

Hoping to make them shut up!

I have yet to loose my mind
And when I do won't you be so ever kind?
To as remind my mother and father that I was
A good child
Very well behaved, innocent child!
My nails clawed in too deep!

Don't forget to tell them I was human!
Don't forget to let them know I have a heart!
A beating, red blood cell working heart, tearing veins a part!
I have a soul and a brain!
Please tell them I'm not insane
I speak your language, see your sky
I've held my word or two inside
My restless eyes will have their day
And every thing else is for my corpse to say....