You asked me what do I believe,
But unfortunately I live in dreams.
There’s more to the world then what you see,
There’s so much more humanity could be.
But we choose to walk with eyes sown shut-
Everyday is an opportunity untouched…
We walk as puppets oblivious to danger,
Constantly looking for a savoir.
I’m not looking for salvation or heaven;
I’m just trying to answer my own questions.
The world can be different, don’t you see?
You just have to make yourself believe.
We have so far to go in such little time,
I live in the reality painted by my mind…
You think the way you do for a reason-
Implanted inside from creation-
Everything you do has been carefully constructed-
Molded from people who can’t understand repercussions.
Freedom and control is an illusion debated:
Compliance isn‘t chosen, it’s obligated.
You have the power to change the world,
You have the choice and power to behold,
The curtain is starting to rise-
The show starts tonight.
So my answer to your question is quite simple-
I believe our dream is easily attainable,
If we choose to cut the strings.