My princess

Once upon a time,
I met a girl.
This girl meant the world to me.
She was silly so she made me smile.
She was beautiful so she took my breath away.
She was intelligent so she taught me new things.
She was talented so she impressed me multiple times.

This girl stole my heart away in the most rapid way.
When she smiled,
my entire world was brighter.
When she held me,
I felt more protected and relaxed than I ever had.
With her,
I began to believe in happy endings.

not all was good,
even if it seemed so on the surface.
and pain.
As they say though,
love prevails over all things.
And we most definitely had this love,
such a strong, deep love.

The rain stopped,
the sun came up
and things began looking up.

One day,
I met this girl up for dinner.
After she had eaten her spaghetti, with ice cream on the side of course,
I went down on one knee;
I asked this girl who had rocked my world.
"Will you be my princess?"
She responded with her eyes glistening,
with tears of joy,
"I'll be your princess and you, my prince."

And so it is said,
happy endings do come true.
As I wish they will come true
for my princess and I.