Lover Why?

My lover, why are you so tall?

My dear, I am so tall because when you hug me you hear
My heart beating which only beats for you.

My lover, why you so protective.

My Princess, I am protective because
I will never let that dragon take you back to the castle

My Lover, why are you crying?

My Angel ,you’re a gift from God ,
your sight is like a vision of Heaven.

My lover, why do you love me so much?

My Beauty, your not like anyone I have had.
I cant stop thinking of you every minute.
If I cant be with you I’d die.
We are cursed and I cant stop loving you.

My lover, when you first saw me what did you think?

My Love, Life flashed before my eyes , it was love
At first site, and I knew we would be together forever.

My lover would you ever leave me?

My dearest, if I were to leave you I’d be crazy .
I would never leave you and if I did I will commit suicide
And may I rot in hell.
We would be together forever till the end.
I don’t know what I’d do without you.