Six feet

Your smirk makes my heart sink
I cant be around you anymore
cant help to smile
I love you so much it almost
Kills me because my heart
Stops in your presence even though
I will never see you again
(I cant save you)
I cant stand it
I cant breathe any more
You name (I cant save) say anymore
Your lips (I cant save) will not speak anymore
Your mine forever and ( I cant save you)
Soft angel voice fading away
Paleness appearing
You will always be mine in my heart but
( I cant) stand to see you go
Beautiful eyes closing
The scars will be shown
But I will let go
Because your six feet under
No one will hear the scream and no one could see you
I cant save you because it was already to late
Ill find her the one that did it I swear for you love
She’ll suffer like you but six feet above.