A Hero To Me

She has been in my life for a long long time,
Something about her makes her a hero of mine.
Dreams of a new life flood her mind,
A sweet girls hope keeps anger subside.

Her heart of gold beats softly everyday,
Close to me I hope she will stay.
Dark days her eyes have seen,
How could this world be so mean.

She is an angel trapped out of heaven,
Here to change the world, for better or for worse?
She spent her early days chasing the hurse,
Her will to fight makes her a hero to me.
Together we will travel across this wide country.

One day we will face destiny together,
She is and will always be a hero to me.
Nobody can see what I see,
A darkness dwelling.

Her soft words stopped me from walking away,
A life she has saved.
Left in a debt I can never repay,
that is why she is a hero to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
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