"Here's To..."

Here’s to today.
Another day where you were on my mind.
Constantly reminding me of the happiness I had.
The giddiness you made me feel.
Here’s to today.
To seeing you everyday.
Walking by me like you don’t know who I am.
When I see your face there’s that pain.
It’s like my chest is caving in on itself.
And I can’t breathe.
I try so hard to avoid it.
But I know when you’re there.
Here’s to today.
A day that is like any other.
Same places.
Same people.
Same faces.
Here’s to today.
And tomorrow.
The day after.
And the day after.
Just days wasted on you.
Here’s to a day.
When someone else.
Takes your place in my mind.
Here’s to a day.
Not spent on you.
Here’s to a day.
Where I will be free....