Lonesome Hunter

Body's fall around me.
Death stands beside me,
As I catch all who oppose he,

But be a good blight,
And I won't kill your light,
Just for some green might,

As a bounty hunter,
Everything is one big blur,
And with each kill I release a little murr,

I'm hired out of spite,
And I give one hell of a bite,
For I am "Death's Scythe"

I love such a title,
For I am that lethal,
Yes, this job is my true call,

But it's also my true bane,
For I'm tied by a heavy chain,
Of social disdain,

You see they all run in fear,
AS soon as I come near,
Even if my intent was pure and clear!

This realization,
Of social rejection,
Makes me wish for a gun,

A bounty hunter maybe my game,
But no one even knows my name,
That is such a terrible shame,

This job has caused a broken heart,
To make my real heart depart,
And be filled with a blacken heart,

Yes, life is a blur,
When no one wonders,
What its like to be a lonesome hunter.