They Killed Me-( my last day )

When they said suffer....I felt me die
They don't know their words cuts like knives
They poke at me, they push me around
And when I'm not looking they would knock me to the ground,
I don't think they have a heart in them to stop
I already burdened this world and now they are on top
I try so hard to say...please!
But I was too afraid
I never knew I could ever feel this scared
So when I die
I'll die this way
not knowing if today is going to be my last day

They would drag me by my feet
Sometimes they would drag me by my hands
And when I was all bruised up they would make me stand
they would knock me back to the floor
And then make me stand for some more
I was their toy to hit and abuse
To torture at will if they so choose
They spat on me, not once but twice
They would come behind me and faintly cut my throat with a knife
Not deep enough to rip thru layers of flesh
But they could cause they couldn't care less
So if I die
I'll die this way
Not knowing if today could be my last day

they watch me in excruciating pain
But they would just look at me and laugh over and over again
My heart felt so weak, I couldn't cry
I try to hold on as long as I could
I didn't want to die
It hurt so much, the pain is so great
Because what they feel is not love but hate
They stuck my head in water ontil I couldn't breathe
They would ignore my anguish and my pleads
I watch my blood pour out of me
It covered my face until I couldn't see
They would slap me from time to time
Then they would choke me for hours from behind
"Father in heaven hear my cry
Save me right now, don't let me die
Take all this dreadful pain away
Father in heaven this is my pray"
So if I die
I'll die this way
Not knowing if today is going to be my last day

Someone finally got too bored and stab me in my leg
" Please stop, please!!! I beg ! "
My words go unheard, they have no ears
I'm hurting and no one seem to cares
I watch bystanders look away
they knew it was cruelty in every way
But they didn't do a thing they just disappeared
I lost all hope cause no one cared
they enjoyed wiping me, they were having fun
Then it got worst when someone pulled out a gun
So when I die
I'll die this way
Not knowing if today is going to be my last day

They took me to a lonely place on-top a hill
And I knew I'm who they were going to kill
I never cried as hard as I did
I wasn't born to be broken I was born to live
I was born to live!
I was born to live!
I never felt so alone
Because my existence to them is unknown
I remembered my life how sweet it was
The beautiful moments I had in love
The days I ran among the flowers
Even if the rain was falling I'd play under it for hours
I know how sweet life can be
So why does it has to end so sadly
Like a fairy tale, but mines wouldn't end happy
No prince and definitely no eternity
I relive a sweet dream so I can be free
Feel my heart drain until its empty
Brace myself for the worst yet to come
As I watch myself about to be undone
They brought me to the edge of the cliff
This life and everything in it I'm going to miss
I breathed one last time, it felt so good
I forgive them and I know god would
I let myself go, I want to be at peace
I felt an angel hold onto my hands as the bullet was released
I smiled cause in that one moment I was so happy
I was never alone for someone was always with me
So If I die
I'll die this way
Not knowing today was my very last day