A Promise

I stumbled to school today
Forlorn and depressed
My eyelids drooping,
I could barely see
The world in front of me.

I almost tripped on garbage
Walking on the cracked sidewalk.
My heart fell with the realization
That I felt just like that trash
Each and every day.

I got to the short building
Brick and stone
Open the door



It crashed behind me.
I sat on the bleachers
Inside the gym
Waiting for a friend
Who would never show.

I cringed
Realizing that she
Actually wasn’t there.
Tears came to my eyes once more

‘Not here, not now…’
I thought.

The bell rang
I staggered to my locker by myself.
It wasn’t always like this.
Why did this have to happen to her?
My world has fallen apart.

Why did she feel like a reject?
I loved her with all of my being.

I thought for sure that my words
Of heart-felt sorrow
Would heal those nasty scars
On her poor heart…

‘Don’t worry…
There’s no reason.
I’ll always be there…
I promise.’

I can’t believe I broke that promise.
I was supposed to be there.
If only I knew.
I would have been there
Faster than light
To save her.

‘If you can hear my thoughts
Up in Heaven…
I still love you…’
♠ ♠ ♠
Remember: Whenever you feel like total shit, remember that there's someone somewhere who loves you with everything he or she has. Don't throw yourself away before you find that person.