The Curse upon me

Sweet beautiful scent
a sweet pedal falls from the sky
traveling on a beautiful adventure
toward the mystical ground below.

I look up to notice it
as I admire it's beauty as it slowly falls
not thinking I reach my palm out
and it lands slowly in my open palm.

Brushing my thumb over it
feeling it's sweet touch
I allow a brief smile to cross my face
one that hasn't been seen in years.

Then I remember why I stay away from such beauty
as it slowly turns black and falls apart
falling slowly to the ground
never to be seen as beautiful again.

Then I remember my curse,
as everything I touch falls apart and dies
allowing one last look
as a tear finds it's way down my face.

I continue on this lonely road
thinking about the life before
how human intervention saved a life that should not be
but it's now too late and I can barley see.

Born with a weakness that I curse to this day
something deep down has this desire for life
having a mind that desires me to die
it's a conflict that may rage on for the rest of this life.

So as I continue on this long path
stay clear of my way
though I may have a desire to help you be well
my curse Will slowly take it all away.