What Have You Done?

That stung like a bee,
That burned like a fire.
Am I going to lose you?
Am I left in the dust again?
Wouldn't be first,
And it won't be a last.
I let my guard down once,
Once in a million years or so,
And that's the one time I get hurt.
This one time with you!

That bit like ice,
That stabbed like a knife.
I'll be cut out of the picture again,
Just like it normally happens.
What have I become?
Before you, I was a brick wall!
Now I'm a piece of foam!
I mold around whatever you want me to!
What happened?
I was so strong before,
But since we met,
I've gotten weaker.
What have you done to me?

That cut like a sword,
That jabbed like a fork.
I have no more options.
I've got two options,
And more painful than ever.
I lose you,
No matter which way I go.
Forever stuck,
In a paradox of choices.
I'm sorry that I can't do it anymore,
I refuse to be trapped in your marionette.
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