Monster Within

Lonely steps echo out into the street.
Night has long made its way across the sky.
No stars to light up the path home,
Only the pale yellow of streetlamps and passing cars.

The silence the dark emits is frightening.
It is quickly drowned out by the hum of my voice
And the rush of cool wind.
I quicken my pace down the cobble stone street.

His path crossed mine under the rays of artificial light.
My heart drops and my humming ceases.
Body locked in terror.
And then he passes.

I can breathe once more
And continue my journey into the night.
But my path is stopped once more,
By an even more terrifying sight.

A shadow appears in front of me.
I stumble back,
And I see how it does the same.
Realization hits, it is me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I usually don't put author's notes just for the sake of profesionalism, but this thing has symbolism in it. If you can't figure it out, ask me. But, I assume you are all intelligent and can get the symbolism.