My Dark Warrior

Sittng there in the dark
With the cool breeze and the smell of rain
Surrounding us with the feeling
The feeling that we both knew would come
Darkness filled my light
And the dimmer it got, the more broken i felt
Hearing those words that no one ever wants to hear
Made the life source skip a beat
But not in the way that brings joy
Taking a risk with a prince of darkness
Was a chance i couldnt resit
Thrills around each corner
Laughs and happiness for the majority of the time
But there was always this
This lingering cloud that followed
One that my light couldnt shake
And one faithful night
My light finally went out
As the train pulled away i felt a piece of myself drift away
Into the night
Where all the restless souls dance in the sky
Goodbye to my dark warrior
You were more to me than you'll ever know
May a new light finally bring you back to the horizon